SneakerSteals Members Only
Only Members have access to add to cart
MemberShip Perks
- Get Exclusive Access to Members Only Inventory up to 50% off Market Value
- Pre-Order Sneakers for BELOW MARKET
- Members Get the Hottest Deals
- Enjoy $10 Off Purchase (Delivered via email Every 1st of the Month)
- Unlock access to a curated collection of exclusive shoes during our live show events
How it Works / Rules
- Only Members have access to add to cart when a product is available
- A Collection of shoes will be added at random times of the day, multiple times a week.
- Shoes will be available on a first come first serve basis.
- Each Member will be able to purchase 1 pair Per Day. To make it fair for every Member to have a shot to purchase
- If you purchase more than 1 pair per day you will be refunded for your order
- We will be Posting Deals on Instagram @SneakerProvider
Ready to Start Saving?
*By purchasing this membership, you are authorizing SneakerProvider (SneakerProvider LLC) to automatically charge your desired payment choice, for either $9.99 a week or $19.99 once a month until the membership is terminated*Already a Member and want to Unsubscribe? Click Here